Behind the Bit

Behind the Bit

T-giving theme: What's your Native American name?

Posted: 25 Nov 2009 02:05 PM PST

I ran across this children's book Doesn't Fall Off His Horse about a Kiowa boy of the same name. The title made me wonder about what it would be like to be named by one's tribal community. Some names are okay, like Doesn't-fall-off-his-horse or Dances-with-wolves (wrong tribe -- so "Sioux" me!). But I can't imagine they were all flattering. There must have been people burdened with names like Runs-from-battle or Burns-the-cornbread.

What if we were all Native Americans...
And our tribe picked our names? Harvey's name would be Sounds-like-Bullmoose (he gets very vocal while awaiting dinner or turnout). I fear my name would be Horses-Make-Loco or perhaps recently, Spends-Wampum-Like-Water. My old barn manager would say I'm Leaves-Things-Lying-Out. With respect to Riley's situation, I'm Royal-Pain-in-the-Arse. You'll hear more about this on Monday's blog.

What would your friends say your Native American name is, and what is your horse's name?


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