BTB: Five baaaad reasons to breed your mare...

BTB: Five baaaad reasons to breed your mare...

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Five baaaad reasons to breed your mare...

Posted: 16 Jun 2010 01:16 PM PDT

 I cringe when people tell me they want to breed their not-so-special mare. The Fugly Horse of the Day blog can be pretty blunt/harsh, but the author sees a lot of rescue horses up close and personal. She's mad as hell.  I certainly agree with her thesis that there are too many unwanted horses in this world -- we don't need any more!!!!

As responsible horse people, we should be tactful but persuasive when we hear someone say they want to breed their mare because...

"She's too b*tchy to be a good riding horse." The correct response to this statement is, "so you're going to have her raise your next riding horse?" Begin referring to the mare as Mommy Dearest.

"Babies are so cute!"  Point out that the three month period of cuteness is followed by  a 2-3 year stint of fuglyness -- useless, expensive, and fugly.  

"I won a free breeding to [insert stallion name]."  Assure them this will be the most expensive free thing they've ever won. 

"She isn't rideable because of her [insert conformation flaw here]." Take a deep breath, and begin,  "Let me tell you about Gregor Mendel..."

I'd like to make some extra money. Here it is permissible to laugh in their face. They deserve it.


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