My Cat Goma Blog Update

My Cat Goma Blog Update

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Good Bye Syd

Posted: 08 Apr 2013 10:11 AM PDT

"Good Bye Syd" I never thought I will say this to him so soon...but yes he is gone. Syd temporary went to live with Todd's mom and dad early this year. He was going to come back to VT in June. Sadly this weekend all of the sudden Syd couldn't walk. Mom and dad took him to the emergency Vet. They found a huge tumor in him and had to put him all happened in a matter of a day. He didn't show any signs of sickness or suffering. Until last day he was giving his best.
 I can't believe he is gone now. Last time I saw him was the day Todd's dad took him home... I don't even know if I even say bye to him. But that was last time I saw him... He was such a gentle and loving brother to Goma and Kuma. He didn't get mad when they jump on him or keep kissing him. He was just so understanding and gentle. I love you Syd and I am so sorry we couldn't be there to say good bye...
I cherish every moment I was with you. Syd. Thanks for the great times and memories. Love you.

Rest in peace Syd 2003-2013


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