BTB: Yet another chestnut mare! Color theory in the horse world

BTB: Yet another chestnut mare! Color theory in the horse world

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Yet another chestnut mare! Color theory in the horse world

Posted: 20 Apr 2010 01:15 PM PDT

Experienced horsemen remind us that "a good horse is never a bad color." But is that the end of the story colorwise?  Does color matter at all? Well, I think it does. I remember a book from my childhood that had a chapter on horse color. The author cautioned would-be horse buyers that "pale chestnuts tend to be cowardly," that bay is "a good honest color," etc. And we all know the adage chestnut mare beware.I think chestnuts, like humans with red or blonde hair, tend to have more sensitive skin, for one thing.

What brought on my thoughts of color?
Take a look at this mare...

I just love her--and yes, the flash is part of the appeal. Telling myself that a good horse is never a bad color, I wondered, "Would you like her  if she were a plain bay?"

Well, I can't imagine her as a plain bay. If she were bay she would not be that mare.  IMHO, the mare has charisma and a spark of personality. When you try to piece her apart, something gets lost in translation. It's like wondering if Marilyn Monroe would be a celebrity icon without her blonde hair.  Frankly the question doesn't interest me. She is who she is.

Okay, I'm babbling a little. This post is kind of an excuse to show you this video. Anyway, what do you think???


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