Meow Diaries

Meow Diaries

While Kitties Sleep, Master Plays Poker!

Posted: 19 Oct 2009 05:27 PM PDT

I just peeped inside my room and all three kitties are sleeping peacefully.

Lil' Pheebs nestled on top of my bed, conquering the bed with her fluffiness.

Always the responsible brother, Chubbs fast asleep by the door guarding his siblings.

Benji in his favourite spot, legs up in the air dreaming of kitty snacks!

So while my cats are all tucked in sleeping away quietly, I am free to pursue my not-so-secret passion for PC games! I'm currently in a poker mood and I hear Online Poker Tutor is a great guide for players like me who would like to brush up on our poker skills. Here I can also find ratings and very helpful reviews on some of the best poker rooms including Titan Poker, Pokerstars and many more. Smileys

From basic poker rules to advanced online poker strategies, Poker Tutor provides the best guide on poker playing for players of all levels. Beginners might want to start by checking out the basic poker strategy section whilst advanced players are recommended to head over to the advanced poker strategy section for detailed articles on general and specific poker information. Basically this site has all the information, tips and everything else you would ever need to know to help you win big at your next poker session.

I used to play poker all the time during my uni days but nowadays it's only a PC affair for me. My poker buddies are of course happily married with kids and our weekend card session has dwindled into a yearly affair at best. So thank goodness for my poker PC games, which I'm going to return to right now before joining my kitties for a catnap. I hope you enjoyed my sleeping kitty pictures and if you're playing poker any time soon, good luck! Smileys

-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-



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