BTB: RK3DE followup: Kelly Sult and Hollywood

BTB: RK3DE followup: Kelly Sult and Hollywood

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RK3DE followup: Kelly Sult and Hollywood

Posted: 17 May 2011 12:26 PM PDT

Of the horse/rider teams that completed all three phases of Rolex, Kelly Sult and Hollywood got third to last place, with a score in the 60's in dressage (that's eventing scoring by penalties), 40ish x-country faults (see footage of a near-fall here), and 4 show jumping faults. Finishing is an honor and testament to talent; but what makes them blog-worthy? Plenty.

Hollywood, an OTTB, is 19 this year, and he's her first horse! Kelly, who's in her early twenties, doesn't train with the O'Connors, or P. Dutton. She trains with her dad, a truck driver who does not have the typical training -- actually no formal training or experience in eventing -- and he doesn't have a big bankroll to finance a fancy horse. THAT'S blog-worthy. Read more about her story in this news article and/or view this video coverage...

I watched their dressage, and I thought it was nice. I was struck by how thin Hollywood was/is (remember I mentioned some of the horses were super-thin?) and by his loooong, sloping pasterns.  They don't look like Rolex-capable pasterns, but he's done Rolex  FOUR TIMES. Conformation does not always dictate your fate, huh?

Such a good face
Good boy!


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