BTB: Labor Day Weekend: Head injury!

BTB: Labor Day Weekend: Head injury!

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Labor Day Weekend: Head injury!

Posted: 07 Sep 2010 04:53 PM PDT

Yep, I cracked my noggin pretty good, but I didn't fall off a horse. Late Sunday night I went out to retrieve something from the trunk of Bob's car--didn't know he had the ThuleTM bike rack installed. I fished my stuff out and slammed the trunk down, hard. The bars of the rack came down on the top of my head. I sort of knocked myself out. No blood but a lot of pain and cursing when the dizziness subsided, and a goose egg to boot.

Doctor, it hurts when I half halt
Riley's trainer was at the U.S. Open this weekend, so I rode him lightly. Saturday, before my cranial crackup, I hacked around the farm with another boarder. Sunday  night was the bike rack attack. Monday, I dragged my brain-injured self to the barn and gingerly strapped my helmet on. See below...

This isn't just the "good parts" of the ride, it's pretty much the whole ride (due to my self-induced headache). You'll notice some funny stuff with my hands -- was trying to counteract his tendency to get low in the poll/curl. The correct behavior would have been "more forward, more leg." It felt like we were really moving, but obviously we weren't!


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