How to Train your Cat

How to Train your Cat

Several Tips To Overcome The Trouble Of Bedwetting On Your Baby

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 05:18 AM PDT

Often times when a baby is wetting his or her bed, the reason is due either to an undiagnosed medical condition or due to psychological effects. As a parents, you will want to find out what is happening with your child so that you can stop bedwetting.

Unfortunately, there are things that prevent several parents from trying to determine what causes their child’s bedwetting. Several of the things that stop parents from helping their children include: Initial Tips for Dealing with Bedwetting in Your Home. There are a few tips you will want to implement right away in order to deal with bedwetting in your household:

- Work on Sensitivity

One of the largest impacts of bedwetting on your child is an emotional one, so you must work on ensuring that your home is sensitive to your child’s condition. No one at home must tease your child or make them feel terrible about their bedwetting. The more teased a baby is about bedwetting, the more difficult it will be for the child to overcome the problem.

The older a child is, the more ashamed they may be of wetting the bed, and the more vital it will be to keep on level-headed and calm to prevent shaming the child. Shaming will just result in trauma and may even make bedwetting worse.

- Watch your own sensitivity levels.

It’s not only siblings and other children that need to be careful. Father and mother often inadvertently are insensitive to their child’s bedwetting. They are frustrated by the laundry that should be done and are sometimes even angered by having so many sheets stained or even ruined by urine.

On a rushed morning, dealing with urine-soaked sheets before dashing off to work can be annoying, but it is important not to lose your temper. Even if you manage to be calm most of the time, one outburst about bedwetting will linger in your child’s mind and make them feel ashamed.

If you find that you have no time to deal with sheets and clean-up in the morning, strip the sheets and leave them for later. If you are annoyed by the charge of bed linens, consider buying inexpensive sheets in bulk for a while to reduce costs for yourself. Stay rags and other clean up items (deodorizer and cleaner) in the child’s room for fast cleaning.

Work on reducing your stress levels when it arrives to bedwetting, and you are less likely to make an unfortunate comment from pure stress.

- Educate your baby

For the baby affected by Enuresis, being told the facts about bedwetting can be a big help. Children often hear misconceptions about bedwetting from other children. Myths such as “only babies wet the bed” can be hurtful to your child and can make him or her feel as though there is something “wrong” with them.

Often, explaining that Enuresis is an actual condition and talking about the remedies doctors have come up for it can help persuade your child that bedwetting is curable and a common problem. That way, your child can focus on resolving the problem rather than worry about the embarrassment they feel.

- Go to a Doctor

Since some bedwetting is caused by undiagnosed medical conditions such as diabetes or allergies, it creates sense to take your child to a doctor to be checked out. If there is a doctor in your area who is known for treating children with Enuresis, so much the better. In either case, ruling out medical problems can be a big relief. If a medical trouble is causing your child to wet the bed, coping with the trouble will also usually resolve the Enuresis.

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Homemade Cat Toys

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 12:01 AM PDT

Learn how to make a free, fun, and weird toy for your cat to enjoy. All you really need is a cat!


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