BTB: Deer oh dear!

BTB: Deer oh dear!

Link to Behind the Bit

Deer oh dear!

Posted: 10 Apr 2011 11:44 AM PDT

Last Friday morning at 8am,  I drove to the barn and met the farrier (needed to hold Riley for him). Then I headed back on the country roads toward work, about a 15 minute drive. I could not have been going more than 40MPH when I heard a loud crash and felt an impact on the driver side.  In the rear view mirror I saw falling tufts of hair and the female deer struggling across the road. I'm afraid she didn't fare well.

I was shaken but kept driving. No damage was apparent until I turned sharp onto a city road, and then I heard my wheel make a funny noise. I called the insurance company and drove to the "collision center."  The damage to my Yaris is pictured left. Well, that's why I have insurance. I drove back to work in a rental car.

Relaxing at home...
After 5pm I go home and reflect  on my not so stellar day. Bob is at work, and I decide to take it easy.  I'm home lounging around in a John Deere sweatshirt paired with oversized,  pink plaid flannel jammy bottoms tucked into my terracotta Uggs. Quite a getup. I go to pick up my cat, who is looking out the window.   SH*T!!! A car i in the driveway! Someone's coming! I fly upstairs, change into jeans/bra/sweater, and run to the door.

Hey, why is no one knocking?

Here's why. The car in the driveway is my rental car.

That was actually a pretty good laugh.


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