BTB: Riley: "Where's my fenceline, dammit!"

BTB: Riley: "Where's my fenceline, dammit!"

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Riley: "Where's my fenceline, dammit!"

Posted: 11 Jun 2010 01:51 PM PDT

On Thursday I watched another session with Riley and the trainer. There were some new challenges. The barn management removed the dressage ring in preparation for Sunday's dressage show (did I mention Riley is doing T1 and T2?). So no ring, no fenceline, no enclosure at all. To add to the mix it was cool, breezy, and due to rain there was no turnout the night prior.

Riley was Mr. Wiggly in the open ring, and the barn had a distinct allure. Toward the end of the session, he started veering toward the barn.  There were two mini-tantrums (worst one pictured left) -- love my trainer's secure seat! I was afraid he'd exit the ring, so ultimately I put the camera down and stood at the ready. The session ended on a lovely, compliant note but I didn't capture it. Turn the volume down so you don't have to hear my inane chatter :-)...

It's also on Youtube (search sek4278 riley june 11).


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