Meow Diaries

Meow Diaries

Shoe Shopping for my Vacation!

Posted: 11 Aug 2010 07:39 AM PDT

I have been busy preparing for my upcoming vacation, which of this moment is 90% confirmed. Why 90% you ask? Well, I don't like to be disappointed so until the ticket has been purchased and lying right in front of me, I will reserve that 10% to safeguard my emotions. doa

The thought of getting away for a while and enjoying new surroundings in a foreign city definitely excites me so lately; I have been spending a lot of time shopping on weekends in preparation of this vacation. I bought two new pairs of shoes in the last three weeks, which is unusual for me because as much as I love shoes, I don't feel the need to buy a hot pair every time I see one. I am okay with having just a few pairs to keep me going and happy when I go out. But since an exciting vacation is underway, I feel the need to have new shoes for my trip! gelakguling

The two I purchased are practical shoes, which are good for walking around when vacationing but I also want something pretty! I mean, what if I decide to go to a posh fancy restaurant on my vacation? I'd definitely want to don a nice dress and pretty shoes to complete my look! So yes, shoes are uppermost on my shopping list this weekend and I have to get new socks too of course. Both B and I would need plenty of those for all the walking around we'd be doing on our vacation, which by the way is supposed to be my birthday gift from him this year! Smiley

Are you planning a vacation any time soon? Don't forget to get new shoes too!

-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-



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