Big Paw Designs

Big Paw Designs

Fred the Dog Gets a New Home

Posted: 28 Jan 2010 12:01 PM PST

Shortly after Christmas, Canadians couldn't open the paper or watch the nightly news without some mention of Fred the dog. Fred the dog was everywhere. Fred the dog was the star of the day.

The Fred in question is a 7-year-old kugsha/malamute mix that lost its master in early December. His owner, Cyril Roy, died of a heart attack alone in his trailer in British Columbia. Fred stayed with his master for 3 nights before the body was discovered. Fred had been rescued 6 years earlier by Cyril and the two had had many happy times together.

But Fred's story didn't end there. He was shipped off to a shelter where his future was uncertain. Cyril's relatives were all the way across the country in Montreal. No one could afford the time to go and get Fred and arranging shipping was a nightmare.

When the dog's plight hit the local Montreal papers, two volunteers stepped up to fly to Vancouver and ride back with Fred on the train. Their airplane tickets were paid by Cyril's relatives and Canada's CN rail threw in free tickets for everyone after hearing the story.

So Fred the dog was rescued again. Melanie Pellerin and Christianne Hendershott flew to Vancouver and saved Fred from the shelter. Then his cross country trip began.

The press covered the 4-day trip as Fred made friends at every stop along the way. And the press stood by taking pictures of his cross-country trip. News stories were broadcast nightly reporting on Fred's progress.

Finally he arrived in Montreal to be greeted by 4 of Cyril's siblings. All's well that ends well. Fred the dog will now spend the rest of his carefree days at one of Cyril's sister's home in Alexandria, Ontario where he will share the company of 7 other dogs. It doesn't get any better than that.

Denton Fowler wrote this article for Big Paw Designs and, which offers prevention and treatment products for cancer in cats and Cushings Disease in dogs.


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