Meow Diaries

Meow Diaries

Fluffy Friday # 12 - Benji and Master **

Posted: 18 Feb 2010 08:37 AM PST

f my three cats, big and fluffy Benji is the most affectionate and friendly. Chubbs is a scaredy-cat and if he is not familiar with you, he will run a mile and hide if you happen to come over for a visit. Phoebe is indifferent. She doesn't mind strangers petting or rubbing her head but that's not to say she welcomes it either. She only loves it when B or Master carries her around for a fluffy hug. Smiley

Benji however, is a whole different story. Stranger or not, he will happily bound like a doggie and sniff your feet before dropping his whole weight on them; begging for some snuggles! I love this picture of Benji giving me a wet kiss and trust me; it ain't easy getting a shot of him in action!

Fluffy Friday everybody!

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