Puppy on a Roomba

Puppy on a Roomba

The Best Way To Chew Your Boney Chewy Treat

Posted: 11 Feb 2010 08:08 AM PST

When you get a rolled up boney chewy treat it is important to chew it properly. I'm just a little dog with no tail, so I can't chews my boney treat down from the end very well.  So let me recommend a different way to you!

puppy rawhide

To better chew your boney treat, grab it in the middle. Put your paws on either side of it  and drool on it. Drool on it a lot. Don't worry about getting some on the carpet. Your roomba friends or your Mommy will clean it up. Doing this makes the boney treat soft and then you can unroll it slowly until it is flat and slimy.

corgi rawhide

Unrolled boney chewy treats taste better because they pick up more floor crumbs to add crunchy goodness.

unrolled rawhide

A word of caution though. Kitchen cans also really like unrolled boney treats. Mommy sometimes picks up mine at the height of slimy floor crunchy goodness to feed to the can.

disturbidated ty

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