BTB: 2011 Dressage tests First Level: Hint #2

BTB: 2011 Dressage tests First Level: Hint #2

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2011 Dressage tests First Level: Hint #2

Posted: 13 Dec 2010 12:36 PM PST

Most folks have heard that in the new 2011 first level tests, sitting trot is optional. But is it really? At the seminar on the 2011 tests participants asked three ways till Sunday if posting trot would affect their score. 
  • If two rides were identical, and one was sitting and one posting, which would get the highest mark? Answer: if the rides were identical they'd get identical marks.
  • What if I start out sitting but switch to posting? Answer: It doesn't matter to the judge.
  • How will posting affect the rider score? Answer: It won't.

Judges provided the assurance that the rider's sitting or posting is irrelevant to the score, and they also encouraged posting if sitting inhibits the horse. One judge lamented that they often used to watch rides and in the stretchy trot (posting) the horse suddenly showed much more freedom and swing -- they're happy that now horses won't be as inhibited and performances will be better...


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