My Cat Goma Blog Update

My Cat Goma Blog Update

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Happy Holiday From Junie + pEi Pod Giveaway Winner

Posted: 23 Dec 2010 01:00 PM PST

I've got Junie update today, thank you everyone for supporting her for last 6 months, good news is that Junie is getting better. It is such a wonderful news for holidays!! I'll post Junie's recent photos as well as Lee's update!!—Sachie
Hi Everybody,

I thought I would give everyone an update on Junie before the end of the year.  Yesterday we drove down to Massachusetts to see her dermatologist. Three hours each way just for a one hour office visit - We left at 10am and got home at 6pm. We sat in the office while the Dermatologist looked at junie, mostly from afar. She was enjoying the office and all the windows. She kept jumping from one window to the next. We discussed keeping her on her current medication -Atopica- and raising the dose or putting her back on the allergy injections- but first diluting them more, or putting her back on an anti-depresent to prevent her from licking.  I decided that we should just stay with the Atopica a little longer at the higher dose.  Junie has been off the Clomacalm for about a month and it has made such a difference in her personality. She has been energetic and cheery wanting to play and simply engaged. So I definitely did not want to go back down the road of Clomacalm plus it did not curb the licking.

Once we made that decision the Dr. took Junie into her lab to look over her wounds and test them for infection and yeast etc.  While I waited in the lobby I heard her scream several times. It was so upsetting and there was not much I could do. I yelled out to see if everything was ok. Apparently, they found an impacted anal gland and had to relieve it, that is why Junie was screaming - they had to message the gland and squeeze out the infection. I can only imagine how painful that would be.  She was fine after that - well she was very unhappy and could not be touched for the next half hour. She sat in the window and calmed down
while we talked and went through paperwork. She slept most of the way home in the car and has not tried to lick herself until late this evening. I was hoping that perhaps this was what had been irritating her but she is still itchy. However, this is probably the reason she had been having trouble going potty previously. Thankfully the Atopica has helped her regularity. TMI - Junie is blushing right now.  Most importantly - she is 90% healed for now and her Spirits  are almost as high as when I first got her.

We wish all of you wonderful Holiday Season and Thank you all for your support, emails and donations.

Best Wishes in the New Year,
Lee & Junie
Thanks everyone for entering Goma Holiday Giveaway— pEi pod!
The winner is:

Horse Lover!

Enjoy and happy holidays!!



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