Behind the Bit

Behind the Bit

Rider position and individual variation

Posted: 24 Nov 2009 05:31 PM PST

I wonder if Heather Blitz ever imagined that sharing wonderful Paragon videos with the world might have a down side. Specifically, would she ever have predicted she'd get picked apart by some cheeky blogger who is perennially "schooling second level."

Disclaimer! Disclaimer!
This is not so much a critique (I greatly admire her riding, actually), as a blogger wondering aloud. The question: must my position fit the classical mold 100%, or might there be room for individual variation?I love Heather's riding, I love to watch her hands, and I appreciate her quiet influence and tactful authority. She looks more like an all around horsewoman than a dressage rider per se -- like she could transition easily to show jumping, hunters, or reining.

A matter of style

I have pondered HB's position, and to my amateur eye, her dressage position differs from what I have come to believe is desired/ideal. Her stirrups seem a bit shorter, and there is more angle in her knee, than other dressage riders at her level. While her upper body is erect, her shoulders are -- well -- almost a little rounded. She does not seem to sit quite as deep as other dressage riders. Compare Heather's position to Courtney King-Dye. Different, yes?

Courtney King-Dye
Maybe I haven't seen enough upper level riders, and they differ more in their position/style than I realize. Again, I don't mean this as a criticism -- she's obviously very talented. Then why do I pose these questions?

For selfish reasons, of course!
As a tall rider I find myself tending to continue a lifelong habit of hunching while I ride. I have to fight it with every stride. Also the classic long dressage leg, with the ball of the foot just barely reaching the stirrup, is difficult for me -- can't keep my leg quiet. Could Heather's position be an adaptation for a female rider who is especially tall?

So, am I looking for a good excuse to continue my slouching ways? Am I imagining these position traits? Help me out here!


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