Meow Diaries

Meow Diaries

Save Energy, Save Money

Posted: 15 Jan 2010 05:49 AM PST

This year, one of my New Year resolutions is to save money by conserving energy. I came across a really cool and informative blog called Engin, which basically talks about everything energy-related. For instance, did you know that recycling one glass container saves enough energy to light a 100-watt bulb for four hours? Were you also aware that recycled paper saves 60 percent energy versus virgin paper? Worry not if you were unaware of these simple fun facts for I too was totally clueless until today! malu

Energy conservation is beneficial in a number of ways. Aside from increasing financial capital, environmental value, national and personal security as well as human comfort; conserving energy will also help you SAVE! By the way, our electricity bill last month amounted to almost RM500, which almost gave me a heart attack! Smiley

The high amount really threw me off course; scaring me into immediate panic mode so energy conservation is currently top priority on my resolution list. Anyway, it's about time B and I did more to save energy. We tend to have unnecessary lights on even though nobody is inside the room. And sometimes, we'd have the TV blaring outside in the living-room but both of us would be inside my home-office. I'd be working on my stuff and B happily surfing on his MacBook. ihikhik

I guess it's just out of habit and sheer forgetfulness that we sometimes overlook these small things. But they do add up and it's a waste of our hard-earned money so it has to stop! I did a little online research and came up with several easy ways to help us conserve energy and hopefully save every month. I hope they come in handy for you as well! senyumkenyit

1. Ensure your appliances are switched off or unplugged after using.

2. Reduce the amount of waste you produce. Buy minimally packaged goods, choose reusable products over disposable ones, and most importantly - RECYCLE.

3. Use less hot water by installing low-flow shower heads.

4. Clean or replace air filters when needed. Energy is lost when air conditioners have to work harder to draw air through dirty filters.

5. Buy energy-efficient fluorescent bulbs, which may cost more but will definitely save money in the long run by using less energy whilst lasting 8-12 times longer.

-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-


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