Big Paw Designs

Big Paw Designs

Popular Grooming Methods for Pets

Posted: 12 Oct 2010 12:44 PM PDT

by guest blogger Louise Baker

Grooming your pet is an ideal way to keep your pet pretty, happy, and smelling great. Grooming can also help the natural bonds that you have with your pet. Simply brushing your cat or dog will let him or her know that you’re right there to take care of their every need. Taking extra care to groom your pet also ensures that your pet will smell its best. Let’s face it, no one likes the smell of wet dog. And while cats normally groom themselves, there is never anything wrong with simply passing a brush over your furry feline’s coat. Grooming your pet properly will make for a happy and healthy animal.

Grooming Methods for Cats

Cats are instinctual when it comes to grooming. Right when a kitten is born, the mother uses it’s comb-like tongue to brush and wash the kitten. Because of this, cats grow up with the knowledge and instinct on how to groom themselves. However, longer haired cats actually need regular brushing’s because their fur can mat and become impossible to brush unless the mat is cut. Grooming your cat also gives you regular opportunity to check the cat for any illnesses and irregularities like ear mites, lumps, and ticks.

Brushing your cat should be done regularly and will help control pet dander and fur found on furniture. It can also cut down on hairballs that your cat can get and cough up. Long haired cats need regular brushing’s because their fur can mat. There are special cat brushes and combs that are specially designed to be used on cats. Baths are another grooming technique that a cat’s owner can employ. However, most cats who are not used to getting baths will usually not like the idea of going into the water. Trimming your cats claws is also apart of regular grooming, though this should be done by professionals only.

Grooming Methods for Dogs

As with cats, dogs should be brushed regularly to remove excess hair and mats. Controlling the amount of fur on your furniture and carpeting can be easily done through brushing. Bathing your dog regularly will help the dog smell fresh and clean. Clipping your dog’s fur is also a good idea if their fur is longer or very coarse. Shorter hair is easier to comb and makes bath time easier for you and your dog.

Unless your dog is constantly walking on paved roads, their nails will more than likely be long. Clipping and cutting the nails is essential to the health of your dog. Long nails will split and may even cause an infection. Your dog’s nail clipping should be done by a professional since their expertise far outweighs someone who has never cut a dog’s nails before.

Louise Baker is a freelance writer and blogger who usually does auto insurance comparisons over at CarinsuranceComparison.Org. She recently wrote about finding cheap car insurance quotes.


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