Meow Diaries

Meow Diaries

Which Care Bear Are You? *

Posted: 11 Oct 2010 06:00 PM PDT

What a cute test for my cat blog! Did you own a Care Bear when you were a kid? Here's your chance to see which adorable fluffy bear is your true soul-bear. Each Care Bear comes in a different color with unique belly badge symbolizing their persona. According to
Blogthings, I am Tenderheart Bear, the classic brown Care Bear that truly cares, how cute! ihikhik

So which adorable Care Bear are you? Take the quiz to find out, have fun! Smiley

You Are Tenderheart Bear

You are an incredibly caring and compassionate person. You wear your heart on your sleeve.

You know how to help others when they are hurting, even if they don't know they want to be helped.

You are a natural leader, and people look to you to figure out what the right thing to do is.

You inspire others to be more caring and loving through your selfless actions.


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