My Cat Goma Blog Update

My Cat Goma Blog Update

Link to My Himalayan cat "Goma"

WBCL GiveLitter Program!

Posted: 03 Oct 2010 06:02 PM PDT

Today I wanted to tell all of you about the world's best cat litter's Give Litter program. The first round, they raised 5,255 lb of litters to Alley Cat Alleys at Washington DC shelter!! so they are doing 2nd round where they will donate a shelter around LA area! It costs anything, all you need to do is to go to this website and vote everyday until Nov 8th. This is so pawsome charity, and thanks for helping everyone!!

  • Simply visit or the Facebook page and vote + donate once a day until November 8. It does not cost anything and every vote counts!
  • Tell your friends. Tweet, Facebook and share the program in any way you can!
  • Write a blog post on the GiveLitter™ program and go to to get a badge to share on your blog or site! Blog posts on the program go a long way and help raise a lot of additional litter! We will add 10 pounds to the total for all blog posts that are written!
Alley Cat Allies at Washington DC received 5,255lb of litter!!!


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