My Cat Goma Blog Update

My Cat Goma Blog Update

Link to My Himalayan cat "Goma"

Goma Cann Has Fruit Basketz! + Junie Update~!

Posted: 05 Oct 2010 05:07 PM PDT

SACHIE: Goma, I think you will make a perfect fruit basket...
GOMA: Oh no! You is trying to give me awayz!?
SACHIE: Oh look really delicious with all the fruits...
GOMA: OMG~~! now you eat me!?
We have received latest news on Junie! Here is Lee's letter to you all!!

Hello all,

Last week Junie was taken to emergency on Tuesday night because she had not gone #2 in 4 days and or #1 in two days. I was really worried. The vets all said that if she hadn't gone #1 in two days to bring her in immediately and not wait - its serious and dangerous to wait.  So I took her into emergency -they checked her out and said she was constipated and given a fun filled enema. They are not sure why she keeps getting backed up but the new internal medicine specialist thinks it is possible her allergies cause internal inflammation which may make it uncomfortable/ difficult for her to go to the bathroom and may make her feel sick at times causing other issues. 

I was away Wed / Thurs for work - unfortunately she got her collar off again while I was gone and the person caring for her was not quick enough to put it back on her. So she licked herself raw but does not look too bad and is still on zenequin for the infection. 

Friday I drove from VT to Boston to see the Internal Medicine specialist "Internist". Apparently, my vet who wanted to break ties felt they needed to fill this Dr. in before I got down there. In any case, we met with the specialist for an hour and a half.

Here is what they did: Exam, Culture Aerobic and Sensitivity, urinalysis, CBC, general profile, clinic cytology -

The results came in this evening and everything was fine. She has good liver and Kidney function. Her blood work is good. Whatever this is is not getting better with the heeling process -which means its not being taken care of by the antibiotics. She does not have any yeast so there is no worry there. It is something else. She has been frantically licking the air of late.  

This specialist recommended the Cyclosporine -which the other Dr. from the VT vet practice (we used to got to) recommended to her over the phone before I got there.  The new specialist we saw told me the danger with the medication is that it can deplete or cause the bone marrow levels to drop. Which is not something my former vet ever mentioned it also means her blood levels will need to be monitored. 

She did say that in severe cases she recommends it and often prescribes it and felt Junie may be one of those cases. She was willing to touch base with the Dermatologist we will be seeing on the 25th of this month in NH. They would work together -perhaps put junie on the medication starting this week and then the Dermatologist would determine if it was working when she sees Junie on the 25th. Its just a possible game plan - they will talk tomorrow and let me know the out come of their discussions.

Thank you for all your help and support.

Lee & Junie


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