BTB: Theys Farm: Finding a happy place

BTB: Theys Farm: Finding a happy place

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Theys Farm: Finding a happy place

Posted: 10 Nov 2010 02:09 PM PST

Dressage mom wrote a great post the other day about the  happy place. You know what that means -- the place of calm, centered, contentment we all try to find when we're stressed. Happy places can be idyllic settings, great memories, perfect moments, fantasies -- whatever. Dressagemom wrote about the moments that transport her to her happy place. I have wonderful memories that I like to ponder...

My #1: Breakfast with Harv
In my early days with Harv -- back in North Carolina -- he lived at a 14 stall co-op barn, Theys Farm. Owned by an elderly man (Mr. They himself), the farm was a former dairy operation that had fallen into disrepair. Still, it had a run-down  charm of its own, not to mention huge pastures.  The main barn opened out to a tree-lined paddock area, and in one corner there was an old picnic table where co-op boarders congregated.

On nice mornings I drove to the barn out before work to share breakfast with Harv. I'd walk him out to the paddock,  throw him hay near the picnic table, and then take a seat myself. Me with my yogurt and coffee, Harv munching hay nearby, and not a soul around but a few peacocks.  It was so peaceful. I can't think of happier times in my horse life than those moments.

And I loved that farm! Very recently I learned that Mr. Theys died in 2008 at the age of 89. I google-mapped Theys Farm address recently, fearing that satellite image would show a subdivision. To my delight, the farm is still a farm, but not  a horse farm. Farm Front Gardens is owned by a young couple who are into sustainable agriculture and they grow a bunch of stuff.

What are your happy horse places?


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