BTB: Respectfully submitted: a suggestion to Purina...

BTB: Respectfully submitted: a suggestion to Purina...

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Respectfully submitted: a suggestion to Purina...

Posted: 12 Jul 2010 01:41 PM PDT

Note: I'm writing this on July 3, because I'll be returning from vacation on the 12th the conclusion of the LiveFromLexington contest. I have no idea where Sheri will be in the standings, and I suspect it'll be neck-and-neck.

Here's my last reminder to vote for Sheri!

It's July 3, a full 9 days before the conclusion of the Live from Lexington contest, and I'm writing my last blog article for the contest.

I have a head-cold.

I'm in a drug-induced stupor.

And I have an idea.

What's the idea?

Send all four semifinalists to WEG. 

Pretty inspired huh?

Practical rationale...

I know you folks at Purina are smart, and you've probably already been thinking about it. I'm sure you're thinking about how the women could just double up in the hotels, how you could cover so much more of the Games and not run these women ragged. I bet you've got a ton of corporate frequent flyer miles, and some extra polo shirts to distribute to four women instead of two. What are you waiting for? High five me! Right?

Not convinced?

Ethical rationale...
All four candidates are terrific, and all have strong support among their constituencies as evidenced by their votes. I worry, though, that in a competition where all the semi-finalists are so talented, we're comparing apples and oranges. The winners will be not be chosen on their merit  but on their campaign strategy. The ones with geek friends, the ones with the strong connections to their alma mater, dressage associations,  company, or clients will get the most votes.  Kudos to the candidates for being clever enough to develop a campaign  -- but it doesn't really seem fair. I just think there is room for everyone to win, for only a teensy bit more money.

Thanks for listening, Purina, and for thinking up this wonderful contest. I've enjoyed following it.


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