My Cat Goma Blog Update

My Cat Goma Blog Update

Link to My Himalayan cat "Goma"

Junie Update, Free Bag of WBCL and Goma Fan Art!!!

Posted: 21 Jul 2010 07:49 PM PDT

I talked to Junie's mom, Lee today and she assure me that she is not going to put her down for sure. She thinks Junie is a happy cat, full of love. It is shame to do that!! So that's good news!! Not so good news is she is still very sick. Lee brought Junie in at work today, she was just sleeping in the carrier, didn't even move. I went to pet her forehead then she will lift her head slowly to greet me. I could tell she wasn't feeling good. She still have a bandage around her belly. About injection, Lee hasn't talk to her vet because she is on vacation. But I am sure Junie will go to injection treatments I will let you guys know when I hear something from Lee!

Ah! I forgot to mention the donation amounts today!! Thanks for reminding me!! Well over the course of time we raise about $500 for Save Junie Fund. This is great Lee is super grateful, however this is still fraction of what she spent and will spend. She has already spend $4000 for Junie's medical cost which is not including meds, special food, and injection treatment she will receive in the future. We desperately need the fund to assist Lee so that she can continue with Junie's treatment. If already donated or going to donate, I thank you so much for your generosity.. not only you are helping Lee with financially, but mentally she feels that someone is with her and care for Junie. That's untimely, let her to make decision to keep Junie alive!!! so Thank You!!

This is an awesome fan art by Csontos Anna!! She drew her cat Currant next to Goma so cute!! Thank you so much!
We just closed  1 year The World's Best Cat Litter giveaway. Drew over WBCL said he wants everyone to have a chance to try his litter so he is givng free bag of WBCL for everyone here!! Thanks Drew this is pawsome!


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